December 11, 2008

Yet Another Fib: Tory Senate Appointments

Will it never end? Yet again, Prime Minister Harper is engaging in "Do as I say, not as I do" antics.

Today, Prime Minister Harper announced that he intends to appoint 18 (Conservative) Senators to the "House of sober second thought." Yet, even before he was elected two and half years ago, he's been on the platform of reforming Senate by having them elected, and working to that end. The reason for this quite transparent...he faces losing a non-confidence vote in the House at the end of January, when MPs return from their unscheduled vacation (i.e. the PM requested proroguement ends). So, why not stack the Senate with as many Conservatives as possible before he leaves? His enduring legacy.

Another example of Prime Minister Harper saying one thing, then doing another to suit his purposes. As always, there's plenty of spin. Apparently, these newly appointed Senators are going to be asked if they would step down, should an elected Senate come into being. I'll believe that when I see it.

If I can paraphrase that famous quote that's been bantied about Parliament Hill over the past several days (with apologies to Mackenzie King):

Senate elections, but not necessarily an elected Senate.

Prime Minister Harper's mother is quick to admonish people for calling him Steve, but has anybody told her about Stephen's fibbing?

Wings Over The World

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