February 24, 2006

All we are saying, is give Timbits a chance

I heard on the news that the top Canadian military man, General Rick Hillier, has invited the President of Tim Horton's, to go to Kandahar, Afghanistan with him. Why? So Canadian soldiers can get their double double, and a Timbit.

I think this an outstanding idea. Why? It worked for the Americans, why not for Canadians. What have the Americans got to do with this? Think back to WW II, if you're that old, or maybe search through some stories and images, or even ask someone that was there. I'm sure they would appreciate the attention. During WW II, as Americans advanced against the Axis powers, Coca-Cola was right behind them. Yep, that ubiquitous cola was in the trenches, fighting along with those that fought for freedom. And everywhere the Americans went, people learned of Coke and soon enough, wanted it for themselves. What a great marketing strategy and penetration! Open up markets even before they exist. In the meantime, establish your distribution, right behind the advancing American army. Coke had become synonymous with freedom.

Back to the Timbits. Canadians are pining for that little bit of home, while they're off in a far away land. Let's give it to them. Let's give them a Tim Horton's kiosk. Since there's only 2,000 of them in Kandahar, I'm sure the kiosk would be able to handle the traffic, BUT they should be prepared to expand. What about opening it up to the locals? Spread some Canadiana to the world. Heck, maybe it'll bring peace to the region. Show the locals that it's better to discuss politics over a cup a coffee and a Dutchie, than to try blowing each other up.

Yesiree, Tim Horton's should set up an operation in Kandahar. In fact, maybe they should set up a kiosk at every Canadian military outpost around the world. Spread the Canadian way out there. A message of tolerance and understanding. And even if it stops the fighting for 15 minutes, while the combatants drink their large black coffee, with a "fruit explosion" muffin...it was well worth it.

Get the Timbit rolling. Give the Canadian military a Tim Horton's franchise license.

Wings Over The World

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