February 23, 2006

Follow up: Sid, don't be so CUPE! (Feb 21)

Congratulations Sid, you've done it!

In case any of the rest of you haven't heard, a strike by CUPE members has been averted. Certainly good news for everyone. The Ontario government has pledged that the entire OMERS pension system will be reviewed within the next six years. In exchange, Mr. Ryan has pledged not to engage in an illegal strike (I won't get into why I italicized illegal, except to say that Mr. Ryan didn't think it was illegal, unless a court injunction was imposed -- right now, I'm constraining myself quite vigorously from getting into it).

Mr. Ryan, good work in backing down, without losing too much face with your membership. There was obvious dissension amongst your members, so this strike could have caused animosity, instead of solidarity. But, you were able to pull off a compromise at the last minute, so that your job will be safe (for now). Keep up with the constructive dialogue, and pianissimo with the destructive rhetoric.

Wings Over The World

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