March 25, 2011

Coalition, shmoalition

You know what I'm sick of already about the election that's going to start tomorrow? How reporters keep asking Mr. Ignatieff whether he is going to form a coalition government. He says he and his Liberals are in it to win it. Just like Mr. Layton and his NDP are looking to do the same. Reporters can't seem to fathom the idea that political parties don't go into an election with the idea of forming a coalition, whether that's in Canada, or any other country that does end up with a coalition government. The reality is, when the vote is in, and a single party cannot form a majority to move through the policies that they were voted in on, that two or more parties can get together and agree how they are going to form and run a government. It's not the first time it's happened in Canada, and it won't be the last. So, is there a hidden agenda? Of course not. It all depends on whether two or more parties need to get together to run the country. Reporters seem to buy into the notion that a coalition government is bad thing, not remembering that in 2004, Mr. Harper proposed a coalition with the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP to bring down Mr. Martin's Liberal Government. That's right, you read it right, Mr. Harper wanted to form a "coalition with the socialists and separatists" to bring down the government of the day. If it wasn't a coup d'etat when Mr. Harper tried to do it when he was in opposition, it isn't one when he's in power. Instead of taking up air time asking about coalitions during this campaign, how about we focus on other matters. There will certainly be time to talk about coalitions, if necessary, after the election. Let's not get into sensationalistic reporting. Do reporters really think they'll have some kind of big scoop by getting Mr. Ignatieff to admit that he would form a coalition after the election if he doesn't win a majority? I marvel at the so called "objectivity" of the press. It appears that five years of Conservative rule is driving Canadian media attention.

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